Michael Navo

Michael Navo

Executive Vice President

Current Responsibilities:

Michael is a Executive Vice President with JLL and, working alongside Nicole Jennings, the team helps organizations define and occupy real estate to support their business and cultural objectives. Acting as a strategic partner, the team helps organizations by deeply understanding their needs and then leveraging the cutting-edge resources of JLL to help them achieve their ambitions.


Michael Navo started his career in 2005 with a focus on the Toronto West (Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington) office market and, since then, has built a reputation as a powerful advocate for his clients. He has been retained by many of Canada’s largest companies and has assisted them with the execution of transactions in every major market across the country.

In 2021, he was the leading office broker in the Greater Toronto Area at JLL and is widely considered one of the top suburban office professionals in Canada.

Since 2016, his team has completed over 2,000,000 square feet of office trasnsactions in the Toronto West office market.

Education and Affiliations:

  • Bachelor of Science, Math - Queen’s University
  • Bachelor of Arts, Economics - Queen’s University
  • Toronto Sick Kids Hospital Innovators Board
  • LEED Green Associate
  • Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB)
  • Real Estate Counsel of Ontario (RECO)